21.01.2013 to 23.01.13        

         (Organ Donation and Cancer Awareness Campaign)
As a part of the 14th FUTURA conducted by the Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, the NSS volunteers conducted the Organ Donation Awareness Campaign and Cancer Awareness Campaign from 21st till 23rd of January in the Applied Science block quadrangle. This programme was organized in association with Sankara Eye Centre and G.Kuppusamy Naidu Memorial hospital. The main objective of this awareness programme was to create awareness to the people on the importance of donating organs and on the deadly disease cancer.
            Four classrooms were alloted for the event. Among them two classes were used to explain the visitors on various information regarding the organ donation such as the organs that can be donated, persons fit to donate and receive organs, duration for the transplantation of organs and the organs that can be donated when alive and after death, organ donor card and the causes of various cancer types, their symptoms, diagnosis and the main treatments involved. 
 In addition to it different spot events were conducted for the school students. Awareness flash videos were also displayed. 

  In addition to this, the NSS team took an initiatve to register for eye donation. The registration was put up in AS block and in arena.

 The NSS team of nearly 30 volunteers, split up in eight help desks at various places around the campus guided the inter and intra college students to the various events that was being organized by all the departments and clubs. They also held the responsibilty in maintaining discipline on all the three days of the event and even during night time upto 1.00 a.m.

January 21
       On the first day, the volunteers were actively involved in discipline during the inauguration of the national level symposium 14TH FUTURA. At nearly 1.00 p.m. Dr.Lakshman Iyer, the C.E.O. of Sankara Eye Centre and Dr.Adithya, Sankara Eye Centre made their presence in the awareness programme on ODAC and enlightened the students by their speech on eye donation and the procedures  involved in it .   
To make this day fruitful, nearly 34 students were brought from the tribal village Hasanur. The students were engaged with many spot events and were taken around the college to show the infrastructure of the college and witness many fun events that was being conducted. Also Dr.Shivanesan from G.Kuppusamy Naidu Memorial Hospital made his valuable presence and gave speech on the killer disease cancer, its causes, symptoms, treatments and prevention.  

In the evening at 5.00 p.m, nearly 50 NSS volunteers were involved in maintaining the discipline at Pandhal, auditorium and seminar halls  during the intra college dance competition “Fiesta”.

January 23
          On the final day of Futura, many staffs from various departments visited the venue and enriched their knowledge on organ donation and cancer and actively registered their names for eye donation.

This awareness programme proved to be very informative and an eye opener for all the people. At the end of the event, there were nearly 555 registered donors and  still counting.   The registered forms were  handed- over to the team from Sankara Eye Centre during the valedictory function. Also, about 60 volunteers were involved in disciplinary activities at the valedictory function of the 14th FUTURA.    


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