The motto of the National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) is "Not Me, But You" as the motto suggests, NSS volunteers ensure that every one in our society who is needy gets the every possible help from them so that they can also enhance their standards and lead a life of dignity in the society with all of us.They participate in social reforming activities and with their selfless sevice,play a small part in the development of our nation.
The NSS was launched on 24 September,1969 by then education minister Dr.V.K.R.V.Rao.
The N.S.S. symbol is based on the rath of wheel of the Konark Sun Temple situated in Orissa.
The navy blue colour indicates the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part , ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.
The Red colour in the badge indicates that the NSS volunteers are full of blood i.e. lively, active, energetic and full of high spirit.
The giant wheels of the Sun Temple portray the cycle of creation.

The navy blue colour indicates the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part , ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.
The Red colour in the badge indicates that the NSS volunteers are full of blood i.e. lively, active, energetic and full of high spirit.
The giant wheels of the Sun Temple portray the cycle of creation.
The National Service Scheme in BIT has
two Units. Each unit caters 100 volunteers. Apart from the regular activities,
the NSS of BIT has established a link with NGOs like SUDAR, FIFTH PILLAR,
HELPING HEARTS,... to help the utmost to the needy.We strive every nerve of
ours to bring about a vital change in the attitude of the students by nurturing
service mentality in them. Our hectic donations to the nearby orphanages has
brought about a little change in the lives of the inmates. Our team has been
striving to sow the seeds of charity in every heart of the BITan.