27.09.12 to 28.09.12
Shevasestra 2012 -Journey to serve
The NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
organized a two-day service oriented symposium “SHEVASESTRA 2012” on 27th and 28th of
September 2012. The main objective of this symposium was to bring
awareness on social issues and giving solutions for various problems .
About 400 colleges were communicated throughout Tamilnadu through
Posters and e mails. Competitions were conducted based on seven events
such as Slidefair, Mimare, Posterowa, Art of Demo, Workshop, Click Spire
and Visplash. A Workshop on the topic “First Aid and Fire safety” was
given to all the participants.
27.09.12 to 28.09.12
Shevasestra 2012 -Journey to serve
The NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
organized a two-day service oriented symposium “SHEVASESTRA 2012” on 27th and 28th of
September 2012. The main objective of this symposium was to bring
awareness on social issues and giving solutions for various problems .
About 400 colleges were communicated throughout Tamilnadu through
Posters and e mails. Competitions were conducted based on seven events
such as Slidefair, Mimare, Posterowa, Art of Demo, Workshop, Click Spire
and Visplash. A Workshop on the topic “First Aid and Fire safety” was
given to all the participants.
NSS team was split up into various committees and worked out sincerely
for the function. Registration was held upto September 20th 2012.
There was good response and students from various colleges registered
for the events and sent their abstracts. Nearly 135 papers were
registered for slide fair, 10 for art of demo, poster-8, mimare-8,
clickspire-11 and visplash-10. Based on the content the teams from
various colleges were selected. The number of teams selected for the
events are as follows:
External participants
Slide Fair
Click Spire
Art Of Demo
The selected teams were intimated on 24th September.In total there were participants from 11 external colleges.The spot registration began on 27th September at 7.30. a.m. The Honourable
collector of Erode District Dr.V.K.Shanmugam I.A.S inaugurated the
function at 10:30am and gave an inspiring speech on Humanity and
service. Dr.S.K.Sundararaman,Director Bannari Amman Institute Of
Technology,Dr.A.Shanmugam,Principal BIT also addressed the
gathering.Mr.V.N.Vijayakumar Programme officer NSS BIT delivered the
annual report for the academic year 2011-2012 and Mrs.R.Praveena
Programme officer NSS BIT delivered vote of thanks.
The events started at 1.00 p.m. On 27th September five events Slide Fair, Mimare, Posterowa, Visplash and Clickspire were conducted. On 28th September
the workshop started at 9.30 a.m. and the demo of first aid and rescue
methods was given. Art of demo was conducted after lunch. The events
were judged by nearly 18 staffs from various departments of BIT and the
winners of each event were selected.
The Valediction as scheduled started around 4.00 p.m.Dr.
A.M.Natarajan,Chief Executive offficer Bannari Amman Institute Of
Technology and Dr. P..Suresh kumar, Director of School of Management
Studies BIT were the chief guest for the function.Importance of National
Service Scheme was highlighted by the chief guest. Mr.S.Vibulanandhan,
NSS student volunteer delivered the Shevasestra 2012 Report. The Flash
showing the entire Shevasestra 2012 was played. The trophies and
certificates were distributed to the winners and participants of the
· Technology for rural development
· Creative ideas for electricity conservation
· Dye waste treatment
· How to improve the life chances of Differently abled people
· How to get the rights and resources for tribal people
· Role of a citizen in bringing down the corruption
· Other social issues
135 papers were registered for this event. Out of these 32 papers were
selected in which 24 were from other colleges and 8 from BIT. Around 25
teams took part on the day of the event. The event was conducted in two
sessions. The first session was conducted simultaneously in
ECE Seminar Hall and Textile Seminar Hall from 1.30 p.m.to 3.00 p.m.
The judges in ECE seminar hall was Mrs.R.Praveena, Mr.Sakthiramkumar and
Mr.Loganayakan and the students in Textile Seminar Hall were judged by
Mr.Velmurugan and Mr.Jagadesan. The other session was in in ECE Seminar
Hall(10 papers) from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30.The team from Rajalakshmi
Engineering college won the first prize and the team from sona college
of technology bagged the second prize.
This event mainly focused in portraying characters and acting out situations of the society or narrating them by gestures and body movements without using words..
The topics were
This event mainly focused in portraying characters and acting out situations of the society or narrating them by gestures and body movements without using words..
The topics were
· Violation of Traffic rules
· Drug Abuse
· Child Labor
· Anti-Plastic
· Conservation of Resources for future utilization
6 teams participated in the event. It was conducted in the auditorium
from 1.30 p.m.to 3.00 p.m. The judges were Mr.Kamalanathan from ECE
dept. and Mr.Mohanraj from FT department. The team from Kingscollege of
engineering secured the first place and the team from BIT were the
runners of the event.
This event was conducted to bring out the students inventive ideas
through graphical representation that could provide pleasing
information on a specified theme (important days).
total 8 papers were selected which included 4 from external and
internal colleges respectively. Among them 7 participated. The posters
were displayed in Thermal Drawing hall from 1:30. p.m. Then the
presentation was conducted in the auditorium from 3:30 p.m.to 5:00 p.m.
They were judged by Mr.Raman Sivakumar from Physical Sciences
depaetment and Mr.Balakrishnan from Bio-tech department. The students
from Sona college of engineering won the first price.
This event focused on getting ideas from students in the form of flash. The topics for this event were
- NSS activities done in your college
- Eradication of Illiteracy
- Problems faced by rural and tribal people
- Other related social issues
11 teams were selected for the event, in which 4 were from other
colleges and 7 from BIT. On the day of the event 6 teams actively
paricipated. The session was conducted in EEE Seminar Hall from 3:30
p.m. to 5:30.p.m. The judges were Mr.Karthick, Mr.Kirubakaran, Mr.Arun
Kumar and Mr.Soukath Ali from Electronics and Communication department.
The winners of the event were from Sona college of engineering.
This event tried to bring out their society refraining ideas via photos. The topics for this event were- Current social issues prevailing in the society
- Literacy and welfare of children
- Deficiency of malnutrition
- Prohibition of natural contaminations
number of teams selected for this event was 9 teams with 4 external and
5 internal teams. Out of these 5 teams took part in the event .The
photos were displayed in Thermal Drawing Hall from 1:30 p.m. The
students explained the main objective through their photos.The judges
were Mrs.R.Praveena from Physical Sciences department and Mr.Sathish
Kumar from Maths department. The team from Sengunthar Engineering
College secured the first place.
that a demo was given in the football ground, by the fire department
official. The usage of an extinguisher, first aid methods and rescue
methods were shown. The students also actively involved in it and tried
it by themselves.
It is an event that mainly focused to bring things to develop the rural people.Totally
10 teams were selected which included 8 from BIT and 2 from other
colleges. Nearly 8 teams actively participated in the event. It was
conducted simultaneously in the auditorium and EEE Seminar hall. The
judges in auditorium were Mr. Murugesan from Bio-Tech department.,
Mr.V.N.Vijayakumar from Physical Sciences department,student volunteer
Mr. Kanagaraj and the judges in EEE Seminar hall Mr.Veerakumar from EEE
depart. Mr. Sathish kumar from Mathematics department and student
volunteer Mr.S,Vibulananthan. The winners were from Bannari Amman
Institute of Technology. The runners were from Kings College of
The Team “NARUMUGAI” won the best team award by active participation in 6 events conducted.
On 24th September
2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
celebrated the NSS Day at EE 32 hall from 04:30 p.m to 7.30 p.m. The
programme officers Mr.V.N.Vijayakumar and Mrs.R.Praveena from Physical
Sciences Department interacted with the volunteers. They highlighted the
need for NSS in our society. The certificates for Blood Donation Camps
and emergency cases were distributed to the Blood donors of the college.
Seminars on Right To Information act and 49-O were given by the student
volunteers Subathra, Sathyapriya, Gnana Priya, Gowri respectively.
Nearly 80 volunteers were involved in the event.
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