
“One step - choosing a goal and sticking to it - changes everything”
       Each new day offers us challenges and opportunities, the chance for a new beginning. A team of our 40 NSS volunteers went to the Kundri village on 2nd August 2012. Kundri consists of several small hamlets with a population of nearly 6000 people. The people residing in this village do not have many basic amenities. So the NSS volunteers along with our ever enthusiastic social activist Mr.Komagan and the NGO ‘SUDAR’ activist Mr. Natarajan conducted a survey which showed the lifestyle of these people. In the evening our volunteers took part in the ‘NILA PALLI’ an event organized by the ‘SUDAR’ in order to promote education among the villagers. There the young students from the locality and our volunteers enacted several skits to emphasize the importance of education.

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