Academic year 2012 - 2013



           On 16h March 2013, we the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology along with the Dr.K.Rajesh and  his  team from Lions club, Erode organized the Blood donation  camp  at Physical Sciences department in the college premises from 9.00 a.m to 12:00 p.m. The camp was inaugurated by Dr.Rajesh. The faculties and students of the institution actively participated in the camp by donating  blood. Nearly 32 NSS volunteers were involved and about 112 units of blood was collected which included 101 students and 11 staff donors. The donors were provided with certificates as an appreciation to their service. Finally momento was given to the team from Lions club as a token of gratitude.



The Annual Day  was conducted on March 9, 2013 in our college. Every academic year as a part of this function,  Dr.G.Viswanathan gold medal will be awarded to a student to honour them as the best service volunteer. This year this prestigious award was bagged by Mr.P.Vignesh, final year NSS volunteer as an appreciation to his service to the needy in his 4 years college life.


         We organized a Blood Donation Camp On 8h March 2013 along with Dr.Manimozhi, Government Hospital, Gobi  at Physical Sciences department in the college premises from 10.00 am to 1:00 pm. The camp was inaugurated by Dr.Manimozhi and Dr V.N.Vijaya Kumar, Programme Officer. The faculties and students of our  institution actively participated in the camp by donating their blood. Nearly 35 NSS volunteers were involved and about 50 units of blood were collected.



           By the way of extending our helping hands for the orphanage,we visit “karunai siruvar illam” situated in vijayamangalam, Erode on March 3, 2013, Erode. The inauguration started at 2.15 p.m. The founder of the orphanage Mr.George Muller expressed his joy by  thanking the volunteers  and  also  appreciated  our work. Mr.Vairavel, Department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering, Mr. Arun Kumar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Programme Officers, made their presence to extend their support to the volunteers. Many  events were  conducted for the   children to develop their skills.     Inspiring videos were also played. Nearly 76 volunteers  were involved in providing the excellent service to the childrenBooks, pencils, steel rack, wall clock, emergency light and other stationary items were provided for those children. 

21.01.2013 to 23.01.13        

         (Organ Donation and Cancer Awareness Campaign)
As a part of the 14th FUTURA conducted by the Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, the NSS volunteers conducted the Organ Donation Awareness Campaign and Cancer Awareness Campaign from 21st till 23rd of January in the Applied Science block quadrangle. This programme was organized in association with Sankara Eye Centre and G.Kuppusamy Naidu Memorial hospital. The main objective of this awareness programme was to create awareness to the people on the importance of donating organs and on the deadly disease cancer.
            Four classrooms were alloted for the event. Among them two classes were used to explain the visitors on various information regarding the organ donation such as the organs that can be donated, persons fit to donate and receive organs, duration for the transplantation of organs and the organs that can be donated when alive and after death, organ donor card and the causes of various cancer types, their symptoms, diagnosis and the main treatments involved. 
 In addition to it different spot events were conducted for the school students. Awareness flash videos were also displayed. 

  In addition to this, the NSS team took an initiatve to register for eye donation. The registration was put up in AS block and in arena.

 The NSS team of nearly 30 volunteers, split up in eight help desks at various places around the campus guided the inter and intra college students to the various events that was being organized by all the departments and clubs. They also held the responsibilty in maintaining discipline on all the three days of the event and even during night time upto 1.00 a.m.

January 21
       On the first day, the volunteers were actively involved in discipline during the inauguration of the national level symposium 14TH FUTURA. At nearly 1.00 p.m. Dr.Lakshman Iyer, the C.E.O. of Sankara Eye Centre and Dr.Adithya, Sankara Eye Centre made their presence in the awareness programme on ODAC and enlightened the students by their speech on eye donation and the procedures  involved in it .   
To make this day fruitful, nearly 34 students were brought from the tribal village Hasanur. The students were engaged with many spot events and were taken around the college to show the infrastructure of the college and witness many fun events that was being conducted. Also Dr.Shivanesan from G.Kuppusamy Naidu Memorial Hospital made his valuable presence and gave speech on the killer disease cancer, its causes, symptoms, treatments and prevention.  

In the evening at 5.00 p.m, nearly 50 NSS volunteers were involved in maintaining the discipline at Pandhal, auditorium and seminar halls  during the intra college dance competition “Fiesta”.

January 23
          On the final day of Futura, many staffs from various departments visited the venue and enriched their knowledge on organ donation and cancer and actively registered their names for eye donation.

This awareness programme proved to be very informative and an eye opener for all the people. At the end of the event, there were nearly 555 registered donors and  still counting.   The registered forms were  handed- over to the team from Sankara Eye Centre during the valedictory function. Also, about 60 volunteers were involved in disciplinary activities at the valedictory function of the 14th FUTURA.    


17.12.2012 &18.12.2012
               Campus Cleaning At Govt. Hospital, Sathyamangalam
         On 17th and 18th December 2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology went to the Govt. hospital at Sathyamangalam for cleaning the hospital premises. Nearly 50 NSS volunteers were actively involved in this activity from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. on both the days. The students were guided by the NSS Programme officer Mrs. R. Praveena.

Seminar On Aids Awareness
         On 30th November 2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology organized a seminar on AIDS awareness from 5.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m in ECE Seminar hall. This awareness programme was conducted by our Nss Programme officer Mr.V.N.Vijayakumar. He gave an informative speech on on AIDS, their modes, symptoms, test and statics of people affected. This seminar on AIDS was an eye opener to all the volunteers. Nearly 90 volunteers actively attended the seminar.

Seminar On Human Rights
          On 10th Dec 2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology organized a seminar on “Human Rights” in EEE seminar hall from 4.30 p.m to 6.00 p.m. The seminar was taken by Bharani, fifth pillar, Erode. He gave an inspiring speech about the fundamental rights of humans. They also interacted with students and cleared their doubts. Nearly  90 NSS volunteers were involved in this event. Mr.V.N. Vijayakumar, the NSS Programme officer presented the memento to the chief guest.

Campsite Visit To Give Awareness On Dengue Fever

             On 9th November 2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology visited the camp site Modhur  to give an awareness on Dengue fever to the village people. Nearly 55 volunteers were involved in bringing awareness. They provided information regarding the deadly Dengue fever such as their modes, symptoms, test, statics of people affected and the precautions to be taken.

11.10.2012 to 14.10.2012                                              
Voters Awareness Name Enrollment
                                         “A man without vote is like a man without a hand”
Events To College Students
                On 11th October 2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology organized events to create awareness among the students of BIT about the voters name enrollment awareness in Net cafe drawing hall at 4:30 pm. The events were conducted for 470 students of BIT as in the form of slogan writing, essay writing and drawing. The students actively participated in the events and exhibited their views. Nearly NSS 72 volunteers were involved

Guest Lecture
           Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral obligations to ensure the integrity of our voting process.In this regard on 12th October 2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology organized a voters day awareness programme  in the Vedanayagam Auditorium at 3:30 p.m.  The Chiefguests, Mr.K.Palanisamy, RDO, Gobi and Mr.K.Kannappan, Thasildar, Sathyamangalam made a very interactive session with the students. The prizes and certificate of excellence were distributed to the students who won in the events held on 11th October, 2012 in Net Cafe drawing hall. The events were essay writing, slogan writing and drawing.

             On 13th October 2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology organized a rally from 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. starting from SRT corner to vadakupettai via Sathyamangalam bus stand to create awareness to enroll the names in voters list and getting voters ID and create awareness among the public on the importance of  voting. Nearly 197 NSS volunteers actively participated in the rally. This rally was accompanied by Sathyamangalam Thasildar Mr.K.Kannappan and our programme officers, Mr.V.N.Vijayakumar and Mrs.R.Praveena.

                                 Awareness in Adopted Village
On 14th October 2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology visited Modhur(campsite) and went on a rally to create an awareness about voters identity card to make note of the voters day. The students were splitted into 8 batches and went through each doorstep and distributed the form No:6 for those who were in need of voters identity card.This programme takes place from 10am to 1pm. Nearly 152 volunteers were actively participated along with the Programme officers, Mr.V.N.Vijayakumar and Mrs.R.Praveena. Nearly 75 forms were distributed to the people of Modhur and the filled forms have been submitted to concern authority.  

Coimbatore Visit
         On 2nd October 2012,a program named ’Joy of Giving’  was conducted at Ramakrishna Kalyana Mandapam on the theme “ARAM SEIYA VIRUMBU”. Nearly 120 NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology visited this grand event. The main idea of this programme was to bring awareness about social service to the students and public. Various social service organizations participated in this programme and many stalls were also set. In parallel cultural programmes were also conducted. This included Debate, dance and skit performances by various college students. This enriched the students with more knowledge on service and their noble part in the society.

27.09.12 to 28.09.12                                  
                                       Shevasestra 2012                                                                                                                          -Journey to serve
      The NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology organized a two-day service oriented symposium “SHEVASESTRA 2012” on 27th and 28th of September 2012. The main objective of this symposium was to bring awareness on social issues and giving solutions for various problems . About 400 colleges were communicated throughout Tamilnadu through Posters and e mails. Competitions were conducted based on seven events such as Slidefair, Mimare, Posterowa, Art of Demo, Workshop, Click Spire and Visplash. A Workshop on the topic “First Aid and Fire safety”  was given to all the participants.

The NSS team was split up into various committees and worked out sincerely for the function. Registration was held upto September  20th 2012. There was good response and students from various colleges registered for the events and sent their abstracts. Nearly 135 papers were registered for slide fair, 10 for art of demo, poster-8, mimare-8, clickspire-11 and visplash-10. Based on the content the teams from various colleges were selected.  The number of teams selected for the events are as follows:
External participants
Slide Fair
Click Spire
Art Of Demo

The selected teams were intimated on 24th September.In total there were participants from 11 external colleges.The spot registration began on 27th September at 7.30. a.m. The  Honourable collector of Erode District Dr.V.K.Shanmugam I.A.S inaugurated the function at 10:30am and gave an inspiring speech on Humanity and service. Dr.S.K.Sundararaman,Director Bannari Amman Institute Of Technology,Dr.A.Shanmugam,Principal BIT also addressed the gathering.Mr.V.N.Vijayakumar Programme officer NSS BIT delivered the annual report for the academic year 2011-2012 and Mrs.R.Praveena Programme officer NSS BIT delivered vote of thanks.       

          The events started at 1.00 p.m. On 27th September five events Slide Fair, Mimare, Posterowa, Visplash and Clickspire were conducted. On 28th September the workshop started at 9.30 a.m. and the demo of first aid and rescue methods was given. Art of demo was conducted after lunch. The events were judged by nearly 18 staffs from various departments of BIT and the winners of each event were selected.
        The Valediction as scheduled started around 4.00 p.m.Dr. A.M.Natarajan,Chief Executive offficer Bannari Amman Institute Of Technology and Dr. P..Suresh kumar, Director of School of Management Studies BIT were the chief guest for the function.Importance of National Service Scheme was highlighted by the chief guest. Mr.S.Vibulanandhan, NSS student volunteer delivered the Shevasestra 2012 Report.  The Flash showing the entire Shevasestra 2012 was played. The trophies and certificates were distributed to the winners and participants of the events. 

                                                         SLIDE FAIR
It provided a dais to the intellectual minds who want to showcase their views on the revailing social issues and afforded with solutions, that was shared to inspire the young minds. The topics for the event were

·         Technology for rural development
·         Creative ideas for electricity conservation
·         Dye waste treatment
·         How to improve the life chances of Differently abled people
·         How to get the rights and resources for tribal people
·         Role of a citizen in bringing down the corruption
·         Other social issues

Nearly 135 papers were registered for this event. Out of these 32 papers were selected in which 24 were from other colleges and 8 from BIT. Around 25 teams took part on the day of the event. The event was conducted in two sessions. The first session was conducted simultaneously in ECE Seminar Hall and Textile Seminar Hall from 1.30 3.00 p.m. The judges in ECE seminar hall was Mrs.R.Praveena, Mr.Sakthiramkumar and Mr.Loganayakan and the students in Textile Seminar Hall were judged by Mr.Velmurugan and Mr.Jagadesan. The other session was in in ECE Seminar Hall(10 papers) from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30.The team from Rajalakshmi Engineering college won the first prize and the team from sona college of technology bagged the second prize.
This event mainly focused in portraying characters and acting out situations of the society or narrating them by gestures and body movements without using words..
The topics were
·         Violation of Traffic rules
·         Drug Abuse
·         Child Labor
·         Anti-Plastic
·         Conservation of Resources for future utilization
Nearly 6 teams participated in the event. It was conducted in the auditorium from 1.30 3.00 p.m. The judges were Mr.Kamalanathan from ECE dept. and Mr.Mohanraj from FT department. The team from  Kingscollege of engineering secured the first place and the team from BIT were the runners of the event.

       This event was conducted to bring out the students inventive ideas through graphical representation that  could provide pleasing information on a specified theme (important days).
      In total 8 papers were selected which included 4 from external and internal colleges respectively. Among them 7 participated. The posters were displayed in Thermal Drawing hall from 1:30. p.m. Then the presentation was conducted in the auditorium from 3:30 5:00 p.m. They  were judged by  Mr.Raman Sivakumar from Physical Sciences depaetment and Mr.Balakrishnan from Bio-tech department. The students from Sona college of engineering won the first price. 

This event focused on getting ideas from students in the form of flash. The topics for this event were
  •   NSS activities done in your college
  •   Eradication of Illiteracy
  •  Problems faced by rural and tribal people
  •  Other related social issues

Nearly 11 teams were selected for the event, in which 4 were from other colleges and 7 from BIT. On the day of the event 6 teams actively paricipated. The session was conducted in EEE Seminar Hall from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30.p.m. The judges were Mr.Karthick, Mr.Kirubakaran, Mr.Arun Kumar and Mr.Soukath Ali from Electronics and Communication department. The winners of the event were from Sona college of engineering.

This event tried to bring out their society refraining ideas via photos. The topics for this event were
  •  Current social issues prevailing in the society
  •   Literacy and welfare of children
  •   Deficiency of malnutrition
  •   Prohibition of natural contaminations
The number of teams selected for this event was 9 teams with 4 external and 5 internal teams. Out of these 5 teams took part in the event .The photos were displayed in Thermal Drawing Hall from 1:30 p.m. The students explained the main objective through their photos.The judges were Mrs.R.Praveena from Physical Sciences department and Mr.Sathish Kumar from Maths department. The team from Sengunthar Engineering College secured the first place.

       The workshop on “First aid and Fire safety” was organized for the participants of the various events. The seminar on the topic was conducted in EEE seminar hall followed by the demo in the football ground. The chief guests were Mr. Senthil Kumar, assistant regional officer and Mr. Ravishankar,station officer,Sathyamangalam. Initially, Mr.Ravishankar gave the speech on the different fire accidents and the methods to prevent them. After that Mr. Senthil Kumar explained about FIRE that was abbreviated from Fire Investigate Report and Extinguish. The three main causes of fire- air, heat and fuel and ways  to prevent them from causing a fire accident. He also explained the classes of fire from class A to class E along with the methods to avoid and prevent them. The usage of the extinguishers in relative to the type of accidents was specified. The rescue methods in case of disasters like earthquake, fire accidents etc. were clearly explained. In addition he also spoke about the fire accidents that are possible at home and the ways to control them.
Following that a demo was given in the football ground, by the fire department official. The usage of an extinguisher, first aid methods and rescue methods were shown. The students also actively involved in it and tried it by themselves.
     It is an event that mainly focused to bring things to develop the rural people.Totally 10 teams were selected which included 8 from BIT and 2 from other colleges. Nearly 8 teams actively participated in the event. It was conducted simultaneously in the auditorium and EEE Seminar hall. The judges in auditorium were Mr. Murugesan from Bio-Tech department., Mr.V.N.Vijayakumar from Physical Sciences department,student volunteer Mr. Kanagaraj and the judges in EEE Seminar hall Mr.Veerakumar from EEE depart. Mr. Sathish kumar from Mathematics department and student volunteer Mr.S,Vibulananthan. The winners were from Bannari Amman Institute of Technology. The runners were from Kings College of Engineering.
            The Team “NARUMUGAI” won the best team award by active participation in 6 events conducted.


         On 24th September 2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology celebrated the NSS Day at EE 32 hall from 04:30 p.m to 7.30 p.m.  The programme officers Mr.V.N.Vijayakumar and Mrs.R.Praveena from Physical Sciences Department interacted with the volunteers. They highlighted the need for NSS in our society. The certificates for Blood Donation Camps and emergency cases were distributed to the Blood donors of the college. Seminars on Right To Information act and 49-O were given by the student volunteers Subathra, Sathyapriya, Gnana Priya, Gowri respectively. Nearly 80 volunteers were involved in the event.



        On 5th September 2012, the NSS volunteers of Bannari Amman Institute of Technology celebrated Teachers day at BIT campus from 09:00 am to 2:00 am. Greetings were distributed to all the staffs of the college. Nearly 50 volunteers participated.


                        FIRST YEAR INDUCTION PROGRAMME
“Initiation and persistence are the foundation of success” 
       Good beginning will leads to good end. To welcome our first year NSS volunteers we organized an Induction Programme on 30th August 2012. Mr.Sundar rajan, DSP (Rtd) was the chief guest for the day gave an inspirational speech on Roles of NSS Volunteers and tacit that we must become the change we want to see.



                            Tears of a mother cannot save her child
But your Blood can”

          The Blood we donate gives someone another chance at life.To emphasize the importance of Blood Donation we organized the Blood Donation Camp along with Dr. Dhanapal and his team from Government Hospital,Gobi at physical sciences department from 09:30 am to 12:30 pm. NSS volunteers had an interactive session with the doctor at civil conference hall from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. Valuable information about blood was given to the students. Nearly 39 volunteers were involved and 50 units of blood were donated by staff and students of BIT.


 “No Nation is to be perfect
Its need to be made perfect”

       India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech,   the mother of history,   the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most   instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only. In order to accentuate patriotism,      NSS volunteers gave a speech on the present state of freedom in India. Inspiring patriotic videos were played and fun events were conducted for the school students. The volunteers performed a skit on the theme of patriotism. It greatly enlightened the minds of the students.


“One step - choosing a goal and sticking to it - changes everything”
       Each new day offers us challenges and opportunities, the chance for a new beginning. A team of our 40 NSS volunteers went to the Kundri village on 2nd August 2012. Kundri consists of several small hamlets with a population of nearly 6000 people. The people residing in this village do not have many basic amenities. So the NSS volunteers along with our ever enthusiastic social activist Mr.Komagan and the NGO ‘SUDAR’ activist Mr. Natarajan conducted a survey which showed the lifestyle of these people. In the evening our volunteers took part in the ‘NILA PALLI’ an event organized by the ‘SUDAR’ in order to promote education among the villagers. There the young students from the locality and our volunteers enacted several skits to emphasize the importance of education.


“The price of greatness is responsibility”

       The essence of Leadership is you have to have a vision.we can’t blow an uncertain trumpet. we organized a seminar on “Leadership” at EEE  Seminar Hall on 21st July 2012 from 04.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. The seminar was taken by NSS volunteer    Ms.G.Ramya.     She   explained about the   need of leadership    skills   for   NSS   volunteers.    She enlightened the minds of the students with her brilliant presentation on leadership. Nearly 110 volunteers participated in the seminar and were benefitted
“Rejoice with our family in the beautiful land of heaven”

            The NSS Alumni Meet was o rganized on 15th July 2012 at Textile Seminar Hall .    It is an opportunity to    get together  and  figure out our    activities with  our seniors  to  the  upcoming event.   Around   25    Alumni students made  their valuable presence and shared their views. The video of the Camp (2011-12) was played and the service certificates were distributed to them. The Alumni students gave various suggestions about the future activities of our NSS and encouraged all volunteers to organize more number of activities.

 “Shoot for the stars not your arms”


         Drug addiction is not a choice of life style ,it is disorder of the brain and we need to recognize this. By considering this facts , NSS volunteers  visited our campsite, Modhur. We went on a rally to provide  awareness on  drug abuse and illicit trafficking  to the village people.     The rally was inaugurated by the village president at 9.30 a.m. and continued till 12.00 p.m. The rally covered all the streets of the village. Nearly 90 NSS volunteers actively participated in the rally and it created a great impact in the minds of Modhur villagers.
18.06.12 to 19.06.12
 “Even peers are dark before the whiteness of his teeth”

          We conducted the Dental Campaign along with Dr.S.S.Jai Prabu and his team from Vasan Dental Care organized  two days special dental camp on 18th and 19th of June, 2012. The camp was inaugurated by   Dr. A. Shanmugam,  principal,   Bannari Amman Institute of   Technology  at 10 a.m. in the College premises. Nearly 170 students and staff members actively participated in the camp. Nearly 42 volunteers were involved in this camp.   Tooth diseases like deposition, tooth decay and some other oral problems were diagnosed and suggestions were provided. Advanced treatments available for curing oral problems were explained clearly.
                    " A few drops of our blood can help a life to bloom”

Blood Donation will cost you nothing but it will save a life.On Blood Donation day June 14th 2012,we conducted the Blood Donation Campaign associated with T.Kanagachalakumar and his team from Government Hospital, Gobi organized the Blood donation camp with the theme “Every blood donor is a Hero” at Physical Sciences department in the college premises from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Dr.A.Shanmugam Principal, BIT and programme officer inaugurated the camp. The faculties and students of the institution actively participated by donating their blood. Nearly 15 NSS volunteers were involved and about 50 units of blood were collected.

“Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take actions to fulfill”


We take spiritual initiation for this year by conducting advisory committee meeting along with our Internal and External Advisory committee member to discuss about the forthcoming events.

 Date & Time      - 13th June, 2012; 11.00 am to 12.30 pm
Venue                            - Civil Conference Hall, BIT

External members:
·         Mr.V.Ravishankar, Chief Officer for Sathyamangalam fire safety and rescue department
·         Mr.N.Panbin Selvan, Head Master government school Modhur
·         Mr.C.Natarajan, Secretary for Sudar organization of Sathyamangalam

Internal members:
·         Dr.P.Suresh Kumar, Director School of Management Studies
·         Dr.S.U.Prabha, Associate Professor Department of EEE
·         Dr.N.Arunachalam, Dean Department of Civil Engineering
·         Dr.R.Sivakumar, Head of Physical Sciences department
·         Mr.S.MohanRaj, Assistant Professor Department of Fashion Technology


Inter/Intra college activities:
·         Blood donation camp - One time with government hospital and another time with private hospital
·         AIDS awareness programme
·         Programme relating to ethics value system
·         Programme describing our traditions
·         Inspirational programme for first years
·         Exhibiting effective charts during FUTURA
·         Adopting an orphanage by our college
·         First aid and fire safety awareness for all the students in our college

For Modhur village:
·         Tree plantation  (trees out of cost)
·         Useful trees like papaya, drum stick, lemon, etc
·         Teaching marketing techniques for the Self help group in our college or in the village
·         Teaching tally accounting package by our college staff for unemployed youth in the village 
·         Valuable Courses during vacation
·         Health camp(heart, dental, diabetes, eye, general check up)
·         Screening of very effective films such as the effects of drinking , importance of saving, keep the society clean etc.,
·         Irrigation ponds, Kitchen garden, A visit to hospital to know about the importance of health

Requests from the school head master:
·         Stage, Granite, Cycle shed, Underground water tank, Toilet facilities
For tribal people:
  •        Survey about the education status
  •         Suggested hill area is kundri which is 40km from college housing 1000 families
  •       Child labour and child marriage is the most prevailing issue in the village
  •       5 NSS volunteers can select one school and monitor the students twice a month thereby collecting the reasons for their drop out and other problems
  •     Can visit NCLP schools and provide them the necessary teaching equipments like paper work, clay work, etc.,
  •      We can create interest among  the students by letting them know,
o   Why they have to study?
o   What is the importance of studying?
  •       Exposure visits like making them visit our college and various important areas in Sathyamangalam